CRÜ – El Calabacín Ideal para Consumir Crudo | Recetas con Calabacín | Cultivado en Almería | Eat it Raw

Logo en verde con letras blancas que dice "Crü Eat It Raw". Esta imagen se utiliza como imagen principal en la página de inicio.


Fun, green kitchen tag-shaped icon with a white border and an inner yellow background featuring rounded shapes. In the center, the word 'recipes' is displayed. This icon is located on the main recipe page, to the left of text inviting visitors to become chefs and explore our varied collection of Crü zucchini recipes.


Become a chef in yours or your friend’s kitchen and surprise your loved or not-so-loved ones with delicious and creative dishes. From delectable classic recipes to innovative culinary delights, our recipe collection will whisk you away on a thrilling culinary journey that’s also quick and easy.


So go ahead, throw on your apron and give Crü a try!

Mushroom tulips

Surprise your family, friends or your ex with this recipe! Listen up!

SHOPPING LIST: 2 CRÜ zucchinis, 1 pack of shortcrust pastry or filo pastry, 120 g smoked almond tofu, 200 g shiitake mushrooms, 1 leek, EVOO, salt, pepper and parsley.


👉🏽 Wash the Crü and cut it into thin julienne strips, if you don’t know how, allow me to introduce you to St. Google.

👉🏽 In a frying pan make the sofrito, it can be mushrooms, leek, tofu and almonds.

👉🏽 Bake the store-bought ready-made dough in the oven at 180ºC.

👉🏽 Fill the ready-made dough with Crü and the sofrito. You can add spices for more flavor and to give it that Insta-ready look.

Imagen de un calabacín que guiña un ojo y señala el banner donde se puede comprar Crü.
Imagen de un carrito de compras dibujado de manera divertida en color negro sobre un fondo amarillo, indicando los lugares de venta del calabacín crudo.



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Stay excited!