CRÜ – El Calabacín Ideal para Consumir Crudo | Recetas con Calabacín | Cultivado en Almería | Eat it Raw

Logo en verde con letras blancas que dice "Crü Eat It Raw". Esta imagen se utiliza como imagen principal en la página de inicio.




Imagen de un calabacín humanizado levantando la mano en señal de confirmación, refiriéndose a que es el mejor. Esta imagen es la principal en la página que explica las propiedades del calabacín crudo, y acompaña al texto que describe a CRÜ como un calabacín ideal para consumir crudo, de sabor suave y nada amargo.

CRÜ can be easily identified by its MARBLED SKIN and appealing DEEP GREEN COLOR, incomparable with other zucchinis.

Imagen de un calabacín humanizado levantando la mano en señal de confirmación, refiriéndose a que es el mejor. Esta imagen es la principal en la página que explica las propiedades del calabacín crudo, y acompaña al texto que describe a CRÜ como un calabacín ideal para consumir crudo, de sabor suave y nada amargo.


Colorful and fun image highlighting the vitamin properties of raw courgette: Vitamin C, which helps maintain bones and joints; Vitamin B1, which contributes to energy metabolism, nervous system, psychological function and heart function; and Vitamin B2, which participates in energy metabolism, nervous system, mucous health, and skin, protection against oxidative damage, and reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Rich in Vitamins, like VITAMIN C, which helps to maintain bones and joints, along with VITAMIN B1 for energy metabolism, the nervous system, psychological function and heart function, plus VITAMIN B2 for energy metabolism, the nervous system, mucous membranes, red blood cells, skin, metabolism, protection from oxidative damage, tiredness and fatigue.

Image of the recipe "Bruschetta with Walnuts," showing a whole wheat toast spread with cheese and garnished with thin slices of zucchini. Chopped walnuts are placed on top of the zucchini, adding a touch of flavor and texture to the dish.
Colorful and fun image with the title 'High in phosphorus, potassium, and iron' and a drawing of a girl who seems to be doing yoga or meditating. The image highlights the benefits of raw courgette due to its high content of potassium, which benefits the nervous system, muscles, and blood pressure, iron, which aids cognitive function, energy catabolism, red blood cell formation, oxygen transport, the immune system, and helps reduce tiredness and fatigue, and phosphorus, which benefits energy metabolism and bone and tooth health.

Its high POTASSIUM content will support your nervous system, muscles and blood pressure.


The high IRON content will assist your cognitive function, energy catabolism, red blood cell formation, oxygen transport, immune system, tiredness and fatigue. The high PHOSPHORUS content will benefit your energy metabolism, bones and teeth.

Dark round plate with raw courgette carpaccio cut into slices, with parmesan cheese, olive oil, dried tomato, hazelnuts, salt, and pepper. A delicious solution to the lack of time for shopping.
Colorful and fun image with the title 'Practically fat-free and super fibrous' and a drawing of a muscular arm. The image highlights one of the main benefits of raw courgette: its low fat content and its richness in fiber, which makes it an ideal choice for those looking to reduce their fat intake, maintain a balanced diet, and promote healthy digestion.

One of the biggest benefits of Crü is its low fat content. IT’S VIRTUALLY FAT FREE! Making it the perfect choice for those who want to reduce their fat intake and maintain a balanced diet. It’s also rich in fiber, which makes it an outstanding ally for healthy digestion and keeping the digestive system in optimal condition.

A round bowl on a kitchen towel containing raw courgette, feta cheese, hazelnuts, rocket, EVOO, salt, pepper, vinegar, chopped coriander, and lemon. In the background, blurred raw courgettes can be seen.
Colorful and fun image with the title 'Insignificant in calories' and a drawing of a scale on fire. The image highlights the benefits of raw courgette due to its low calorie content, with only 17 calories per 100 grams, making it an ideal choice for those looking to control their calorie intake or lose weight healthily.

Zucchinis are known for being low in calories, which makes them a perfect option for those who want to control their calorie intake or lose weight in a healthy way. WITH JUST 17 CALORIES PER 100 GRAMS, Crü is a food you can enjoy without worrying about the effect on your energy balance.

Round plate with four raw courgette rolls filled with guacamole and tuna. Decorated with olive oil, chopped parsley, chopped tomato and seeds. A delicious and fun bite without the drama of a soap opera.
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Imagen de un cultivo de calabacín crudo en un invernadero en Almería, España. El huerto está muy bien cuidado y presenta un proceso manual. Esta imagen acompaña el texto que menciona cómo el clima cálido natural de Almería proporciona el entorno perfecto para el desarrollo del calabacín crudo CRÜ.

CRÜ IS GROWN IN SICILY (ITALY), where the land’s exposure to the sun in the centre of the Mediterranean, on the south-eastern tip of the island, creates the perfect environment for the cultivation of this crop. As a result, it boasts a very high nutritional value and an unparalleled authenticity of flavour, allowing it to be eaten RAW.

Thanks to the favorable area where CRÜ grows, with PERMANENT LIGHT AND MILD TEMPERATURES, year-round production can be guaranteed.

Imagen de una mano recolectando calabacín crudo de un invernadero en Almería, España. El huerto está muy bien cuidado y muestra un proceso manual. La imagen está asociada con el texto que destaca cómo la luz permanente y las temperaturas suaves de la región permiten una producción constante de calabacín crudo CRÜ durante todo el año.
Imagen en primer plano de unas manos sosteniendo dos calabacines Crü. Los calabacines, recién recolectados, presentan un color verde intenso y una textura fresca y suave al tacto, ilustrando su larga vida postcosecha y su resistencia, cualidades que los hacen destacar frente a otros tipos de calabacines y los convierten en la elección preferida de los consumidores más exigentes.

Hardy and with a long shelf-life, CRÜ stays FRESHER FOR LONGER than other zucchinis, attracting the attention of the most demanding consumers.

CRÜ is harvested, packed and delivered DIRECTLY TO THE SUPERMARKET without the need for storage or processing.

Imagen de una caja llena de calabacines Crü, perfectamente empaquetados y listos para la distribución. Los calabacines, de un verde intenso y con su característica piel jaspeada, se encuentran en excelente estado, ilustrando el proceso de cosecha, empaquetado y entrega directa al supermercado, sin necesidad de almacenaje o procesado. Este método garantiza la frescura y calidad óptima de los calabacines Crü al llegar al consumidor.
Imagen de una caja abierta con dos calabacines Crü en su interior, listos para ser puestos a la venta en supermercados. Cada calabacín se presenta de forma individual, destacando su color verde intenso y su piel jaspeada, características únicas de la variedad Crü. La imagen ilustra el formato en que se distribuye este producto: en cajas de 8 packs de 400 gramos cada uno, y se presenta en el lineal en un pack de 2 unidades, facilitando su compra por parte del consumidor y asegurando su frescura y calidad óptima.

CRÜ is delivered in BOXES OF 8 PACKS OF 400 G each and is displayed on the shelf in a PACK OF 2 UNITS, making it easy and practical to buy.

Imagen de un calabacín que guiña un ojo y señala el banner donde se puede comprar Crü.
Imagen de un carrito de compras dibujado de manera divertida en color negro sobre un fondo amarillo, indicando los lugares de venta del calabacín crudo.



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